Weekly Events
Weekly Community Diaper Drives
The Lullaby House weekly diaper drives are part of our Community Care Program Material Assistance services. This service includes diapers, baby wipes, formula, clothes, and all things baby—for moms/babies in residence and ALL families in need of material assistance.
How it works.
- Check our social media for locations, dates, and times of our Diaper Drives where material assistance is provided.
- You can also give us a call for material assistance.
Office Hours
M-F: 9:00am – 5:00pm
S-S: Closed
Phone: (469) 779-7076
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Monthly Events
1st Saturday Community Donation Collection
This collection is held at The Lullaby House office, the 1st Saturday of every month. Individuals, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to bring diapers, wipes, clothing—all things baby.
Babies grow up way too fast! Give your baby’s outgrown clothing new life by donating them to us. You can make a big difference in the lives of our clients and their families.
How to Give
- We accept New and Gently used baby shoes and clothes!
- Children 0-3 years
- Clothes preemie-5t
- All Clothes Must Be
- Washed
- Folded
- In boxes or bins
- NOTE: Bagged donations will not be accepted
- Large Baby Items
- strollers, swings, baby beds, bouncers, etc.
- For Parents
- new and gently used clothes and shoes
Office Hours
M-F: 9:00am – 5:00pm
S-S: Closed, EXCEPT
1st Saturday Community Donation Collection
Hours: 9:30am – 12:00pm
Phone: (469) 779-7076
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Annual Events
Month of May is Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
The month of May is when we highlight our efforts to prevent and reduce teen pregnancy among the the youth in our community.
Mother’s Day Brunch
We celebrate and honor Mom’s the first of May each year. We want to help every mother feel special. There are special prizes, surprises, and gift bags for everyone. And free entry for moms.
How it works.
- Sponsors are needed to fill our gift bags
- Gift cards
- Notepads/pens
- Books, magazines, cards
- Soaps & lotions
- Gift bags
- Pampering items (nail polish, lip balm, body wash)
- Handwritten inspirational notes to encourage
- Inspirational cups
- Gift Cards are needed for door prizes
- For each years’ style and theme we need décor and gifts
GiGi’s Back to School Drive
To start off a new school year! The Lullaby House hosts a free back-to-school event to help parents ease the cost of buying school supplies.
Every child deserves access to the resources needed to thrive through in school, your support helps make that a reality.
Locations will be announced.
Sponsor/donation opportunities will be posted beginning of summer each year.
How to Give
- Go to
- Search for The Lullaby House
- Donate on NTX Giving Day 2023 or make your gift early starting September 1, 2023
- Tell your friends why you give with the hashtag #NTxGivingDay
Annual Turkey Drive
Annual Turkey Drive is each year starting in November.
This is a walk-up distribution event! ONE TURKEY PER FAMILY until they are gone, first come first served.
We look forward to serving the community and bringing a great holiday meal to families in need.
Locations will be announced.
Annual Angel Tree Gift-Giving/Teen Parents
Our Teen Parent Angel Tree Program has been a tradition since 2020.
Anyone can sign up to be a sponsor. Adopt an Angel by choosing an “Angel tag” from the tree in the community or by calling us to sign up. (469) 779-7076
Sponsors can purchase a gift, a gift card or make a monetary contribution and return them to The Lullaby House by the given deadline.
How it works.
Sponsor opportunities will be posted in the fall each year.
Annual Christmas Gift-Giving/Community
We have made this our “family” tradition of giving Christmas gifts—wrapped with love, to families in need in our community! We cannot do this without you! So, we invite you to be a part of our families support system.
Let’s do this—we are better, together!
How it works.
- Gifts Collected from November 1 to December 10
- Gifts collected via individuals, schools, organizations, and businesses.
- We offer “Lullaby Boxes” to be placed at any location for drop off.
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