
Share Your Story
#mylullaby is a great way to share stories about teenage pregnancy. The experiences of pregnancy, birth stories, adoptions, and miscarriages.
It offers a variety of perspectives on coping with the sometimes difficult dilemma, but can also provide hope when sharing stories of triumph and victory. We’d love for you to share your own story with others on our blog and your social media pages by using the #mylullaby.
Valeria’s Testimony
#mylullaby Testimonies
November 11, 2021
I was 16 when I found out I was pregnant. It was mind-blowing! When I finally found the courage to tell my parents, they were even more shocked than me. I’m not quite sure how or why I decided to keep the baby. But I know those weeks I spent deciding were awful. But, once I decided, I put my heart and soul into making something good of my decision.
I was lucky because I have the best parents and most awesome best friends in the world. My pregnancy was complicated. But a short time after my 17th birthday, I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
Now I look back on the whole thing, and I wonder where I got the strength to do it. But I couldn’t have done it alone.
November 11, 2021
I was in my first year of college seeking a Communication degree at a University. First, one in my family to go to college. Then one day, I did not feel well. I felt a little off for a couple of weeks but thought it was stress and exhaustion. When I suddenly realized my period was a week late, I bought a test, and as the blue lines appeared in front of me, I was thrown into an immediate state of panic. I was pregnant!
Although I was only 19, this was my story, this was our baby, and I had to do whatever I could to make sure we were okay.
Thanks to an organization like The Lullaby House, our little family has been healthy and happy for nearly four years now.
Alice—Twins really?
November 11, 2021
This is my birth story. Age Fifteen with twins. It was the night of my year 10 formal. I went with my boyfriend, Cameron, of 3 years. We had a perfect and fun night and decided to sleep together later that night. I had missed a period but didn’t think much of it. I was pregnant with twins!
Since the birth of my beautiful girls, I went to university, married Cameron, and moved from Australia to Los Angeles. I am currently pregnant with my first son.